Our organic prunes > Prunes > Organic prunes

Organic prunes


It is in the Lot-et-Garonne where our plums stuff themselves of sun to give delicious prunes, rich in vitamins. Our traditional drying methods as well as

a slight rehydration of the prunes give them a unique « soft and melting » quality with a wonderful flavour.


The organic prunes with stones


Available in packaging 250 g, 500 g, 3 kg and 5kg (on request)


               250 g                                          500 g                                         3 kg



For any other packaging, do not hesitate to contact us


Caliber 33/44, 44/55 and 55/66


For any other packaging, do not hesitate to contact us.


BBD : 24 months from fabrication date.


The organic prunes without stones


The pitted prunes are often tasted as a snack for adults or children.

Available in packaging 250 g, 500 g, 3kg and 5kg (on request)

                 250 g                                           500 g


Caliber 33/44 and 55/66.



Preservation : 15 days in the refrigerator in an hermetic box


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